Consider themselves apart from and superior to other Vampires,by dint of their unique Disciplines, unnatural ethical views and the inner-structure of their Clan. Many are warriors or religious leaders, though many lead existences devoid of other Vampiric contact, instead surrounding themselves with servants and slaves. They are obsessed with their birthplaces and graves, usually possessing some of the soil from the location of their Embrace, over which they are fiercely territorial.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Queen has been OGRE NAPPED!!!! Offering tons of giggles for her safe return. Just some of the fun we have here in Tzimisce, Benny The Tzimisce Ogre tossing the Queen over his shoulder and carrying her away to his swamp! BEWARE OF THE TZIMISCE OGRE!!! HE IS LURKING AND WAITING TO STRIKE AGAIN!!!