Consider themselves apart from and superior to other Vampires,by dint of their unique Disciplines, unnatural ethical views and the inner-structure of their Clan. Many are warriors or religious leaders, though many lead existences devoid of other Vampiric contact, instead surrounding themselves with servants and slaves. They are obsessed with their birthplaces and graves, usually possessing some of the soil from the location of their Embrace, over which they are fiercely territorial.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Meet Your King and Queen
The Head Couple Of This Amazing Family
Azz Humbridge and Tonee Bernandes two people who couldn't be more different, but compliment each other amazingly. Theirs was the perfect unison of two souls. They are both working towards a common goal and leaping hurdles to make it happen. If you ask them what the most important thing is in their lives the would both answer , "Tzimisce"! The hard work and determination they exemplify proves just that.
A little about King Azz.... He is not someone for the faint hearted. He is definitely the backbone of this terrific twosome. Hardworking, dependable, diplomatic, unwaivering in his beliefs. Everything a king should be and more. He is very dedicated to ensuring the greatness of this family. He will share anything he has with you , (With the exception of his Queen). He is a very understanding and caring King , but he rules with an iron fist. Lovingly nicknamed "King Smurfy", King Azz is sure to leave an impression. His one rule.....NO DRAMA and he means it. Mess with his family and meet the cold blooded predator, the beast lurking just within. This Hybrid King is not to be taken lightly. To quote his words, " Mess with my family and I will RIP your fangs out and show them to you"! LONG LIVE KING AZZ
Now a bit about Queeny.... The soft side of this pair. Tonee is the mom of this group, just like any mom shes the tender one. She is the one who works quietly and steadily to ensure that the King and family are kept happy and content. She can be found happily chatting away with her family as she works on this or that. She tries to connect with each member on a personal level. She can become a bit highstrung and frazzled at times, Poor King Smurf. This Hybrid Queen exemplifies the other side of the spectrum. She is analytical, reassuring, tender, loyal, and devoted. But much like the King, mess with her family and she will unleash her wrath on you. Just goes to show that just because she isn't loud or outspoken it does not mean she will not act like the cold blooded beast that lies dormant inside her warm heart.
These two are the perfect pair, they compliment one another like night and day. May Tzimisce loyalty run true forever.