Consider themselves apart from and superior to other Vampires,by dint of their unique Disciplines, unnatural ethical views and the inner-structure of their Clan. Many are warriors or religious leaders, though many lead existences devoid of other Vampiric contact, instead surrounding themselves with servants and slaves. They are obsessed with their birthplaces and graves, usually possessing some of the soil from the location of their Embrace, over which they are fiercely territorial.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Cathedral Of Flesh
The Cathedral of Flesh is a gigantic living being formed into a cathedral. Tzimisce legend and aesthetics hold it the most beautiful creation ever. It is said that the high priest was part of the cathedral and that he spoke with its walls instead of showing himself in person. The cathedral has moved several times since it was created and is now located under New York City.[2]
The Cathedral of Flesh is, in some versions of the canon, claimed to actually be Tzimisce itself, the clan's Antediluvian founder. However, it is also mentioned in the final list of all the founders that it was intended to be one of his shells or husks, still overflowing with the founder's power of Vicissitude. It has transcended humanity and vampirism to become a gigantic blob of constantly mutating flesh. In one Gehenna scenario, Tzimisce erupts from the sewers of New York City and devours vampires and mortals alike.